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ESG Resource

In IOG, we always believe that delivering local and sustainable service is the key to our success. Therefore, we make every effort to carry on corporate social responsibility. We ensure the rights and obligations of all our partners, so we not only comply with the various relevant laws and regulations, but also formulate relevant important internal regulations to establish risk assessment system. At the end of January 2022, we have obtained ISO9001 (Quality Management System) and ISO45001 (Environmental Safety and Health Management System), two International Standardization Organization certification (ISO).

In addition, we operate with the highest safety standards  and introduced maritime personnel safety management system from Cwind UK, which complies with the relevant standards of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Safety Management Code (ISM). After taking relevant local laws and regulations in Taiwan as reference, it is implemented for all our crew during our business operation to creat a high-quality offshore working environment.

In order to demonstrate the strategic and completeness of our sustainable operation, we are committed to establishing procedures and standards at all areas of our group. Therefore, we carry out strict audits and make efforts to obtain relevant certificates to provide professional and trustworthy services. With one aim to work with our partners to create a sustainable and beautiful future together.

Health Safety and Environment(HSE)

International Safety Management Code(ISM)


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