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IOG (TWO: 7583) is one of the very first pioneer in the integration of maritime engineering services for Taiwan offshore windfarm industry. We have gradually demonstrated the advantages of localization through the combination of various businesses. In addition to meeting the government’s priority policies and bonus items, we have also continued to develop offshore wind farm projects through our sustainable commitments to industry talents in Taiwan. With the opening of bids for the first session of phase three (Phase 3-1) and the second session of phase three (Phase 3-2) of offshore wind farms, localization has been playing an even more important and flexible in upcoming assessments. In terms of the construction support and O&M work, we continue to lead the industry with key performance, the first full year of Taiwan’s most iconic and earliest wind farm facility maintenance five-year turnkey contract for Changfang Xidao and Zhongneng won in FY22. Furthermore, we are the first one among the Taiwanese maritime engineering industry to go to Japan to perform projects in recent years, enabling us to transform from a local player into a part of the global offshore industry.


Market Capitalization

DateOutstanding sharesPrice(*)(NT$)Market Cap (NT$m)(*)

(*) IOG is still trading at ESB, not mainboards, so the above mentioned calculations is only for your information.

Shares Outstanding

Financial Calendar

IR Contact

Stock Affair Agency

凱基證券股份有限公司 股務代理部 台北市重慶南路一段2號4樓
Phone:(02)2314-8800 分機6509


洪崇恩 Andy Hong 財務長
+886 2-2222-8936

Investors Relationship

Sophia Cheng 投資人關係
+886 2-2222-8936