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IOG Fleet


IOG owns 11 Taiwanese vessels, including offshore working vessels and Crew Transfer Vessels (CTV). Our CTVs has the capacity of at least 10 offshore tower maintenance technicians per trip and are all in compliance with the classification societies standards of CR Classification Society and Bureau Veritas Classification Society

With our local survey experience and familiarity with related local regulations, IOG insists to hire local technicians, marine crew and build our own local fleet to support offshore wind farm industry localization in Taiwan.



We do believe that RQHSE is necessary to the whole business operation. And it is all underpinned by excellence across the full spectrum of Risk, Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (RQHSE).Therefore, we have strict procedures for project management and health and safety of employees, and this is also the key to the success of our group and operation.

Length Overall: 27.1 m
Beam: 9 m
Max Speed: 29 kn
Function: CTV, survey, UXO, other support service

Cwind Pesanach(奔娜號)

Length Overall: 24.7 m
Beam: 7 m
Max Speed: 29 kn
Function: CTV, survey, UXO, other support service

Cwind Phoenix (奔馳號)

Length Overall: 25.1 m
Beam: 8 m
Max Speed: 29 kn
Function: CTV, survey, UXO, other support service

Cwind Phenom(奔能號)

Length Overall: 27.4 m
Beam: 8 m
Max Speed: 27 kn
Function: CTV, survey, UXO, other support service

CWind Phantom(奔騰號)

Length Overall: 18.5 m
Beam: 6.1 m
Max Speed: 27 kn
Function: CTV, survey, other support service

CWind Resolution(堅定號)

Length Overall: 16.05 m
Beam: 5.8 m
Max Speed: 28 kn
Function: CTV, survey, other support service

Ocean Surveyor 3(海洋探勘者三號)

Length Overall: 8.5 m
Beam: 2.55 m
Max Speed: 40 kn
Function: Survey, nearshore support service

Ocean Surveyor 9(海洋探勘者九號)

Length Overall: 12.24 m
Beam: 4.65 m
Max Speed: 20 kn
Function: CTV, survey, other support service

Ocean Surveyor 6(海洋探勘者六號)

Length Overall: 12.9 m
Beam: 4 m
Max Speed: 12 kn
Function: Survey, other support service

Ocean Surveyor 2(海洋探勘者二號)

Length Overall: 6.2 m
Beam: 1.9 m
Max Speed: 20 kn
Function: Survey, Nearshore support service

Ocean Surveyor 1(海洋探勘者)

Length Overall: 88.1 m
Beam: 19.0 m
Max Speed: 15 kn
Function: Platform supply support services

Pacific Hornbill(太平洋犀鳥號)