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Board of Directors

Board Diversity and Independence

The Company has charted Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles, articles related to diversity policy of board of directors are shown as below:

The structure of board of directors shall be determined by choosing an appropriate number of board members, not less than five, in consideration of its business scale, the shareholdings of its major shareholders, and practical operational needs. The composition of the board of directors shall be determined by taking diversity into consideration. It is advisable that directors concurrently serving as company officers not exceed one-third of the total number of the board members, and that an appropriate policy on diversity based on the company’s business operations, operating dynamics, and development needs be formulated and include, without being limited to, the following two general standards:

  1. Basic requirements and values: Gender, age, nationality, and culture.
  2. Professional knowledge and skills: A professional background (e.g., law, accounting, industry, finance, marketing, technology), professional skills (e.g., marine engineering), and industry experience.

All members of the board shall have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to perform their duties. To achieve the ideal goal of corporate governance, the board of directors shall possess the following abilities:

  1. Ability to make operational judgments.
  2. Ability to perform accounting and financial analysis.
  3. Ability to conduct crisis management.
  4. An international market perspective.
  5. Ability to lead.
  6. Ability to make policy decisions.
  7. Ability to conduct management administration.
  8. Knowledge of marine engineering.
  9. Financial and legal expertise.

The board of directors shall direct company strategies, supervise the management, and be responsible to the company and shareholders. The various procedures and arrangements of its corporate governance system shall ensure that, in exercising its authority, the board of directors complies with laws, regulations, its articles of incorporation, and the resolutions of its shareholders meetings.
The Company’s Board of Directors is aimed to have directors concurrently serving as company officers not exceed one-third of the total number of the board members, with at least one female Director, and the independent directors shall serve for not more than nine consecutive years.
When appointing directors, the Company not only considers the professional background of the directors themselves, but also taking diversity into consideration. The Company has 9 directors, of which 3 are independent directors. The professional background of the members covers engineering, vessels, lawyers, accountants, and industrial operators. The members of the board of directors have industrial, academic and knowledge diversified backgrounds and can give professional opinions from different angles, which is of major help to improve the company’s business performance and management efficiency.
Among the members of the board of directors, the proportion of foreign directors is 22.22%, and the proportion of independent directors is 33.33%. The company also pays attention to gender equality in the composition of the board of directors. At present, there are 9 directors, including 1 female director, with a ratio of about 11.11%. The seniority of all independent directors are less than three years.

Implementation of the Diversity Policy for Board Members

Board of Directors
NameVicent TsaiJoyce HsiehEthan WangThomas Neville Janssen-ManningYing-Chin LiaoIchiro HAMAWeichi HsuRobert TsengLinus Chiu
Age41 - 5041 - 5031 - 4041 - 5061 - 7051 - 6041 - 5051 - 6041 - 50
Skills and Experience
Business JudgmentVVVVVVVVV
Risk/Crisis ManagementVVVVVVVVV
Global Market PerspectiveVVVVVVVVV
Leadership SkillVVVVVVVVV
Strategic Decision-makingVVVVVVVVV
Business ManagementVVVVVVVVV
Professional Knowledge and Expertise
Marine EngineeringVVVVV
Financial LawVVVVV